Personal Biography

Janet L. Williams Maiden Name: Ratekin Spouse's Name: Gene
1418 N. 145th Plaza
Omaha, NE   68154

Home phone: 402-492-9363
Cell phone: 402-670-8449


Education after High School: Hastings College, Bachelor of Music Education, 1974
Occupation: Employer Group Benefit Analyst
Spouse's Occupation: Music Teacher
Names and ages of Children: Maggie, age 23, music teacher
Names and ages of grandchildren: None that I know of...

Birthday: 7/11/1952 

Theater consumed my life shortly after college until my daughter was born in 1992. I taught dance, choreographed shows and performed on stage and in the orchestra of many local theaters. Age has caught up with me and I don't perform on stage much any more, but I still play flute in the pit orchestra as often as I can. My money-making venture has been in insurance, and I currently work at SilverStone Group in Omaha as a benefit analyst. Retirement comes in two long years, and then my husband and I hope to travel.

Updated: 6/23/15