Class of 1970
Birthdays and Events

Select a month below to see which classmates will celebrate a birthday in that month. If you are not listed for your birthday or if there is a special event you would like to share, you can submit your special day to with the information and it will be added to the calendar. 
Note: A name followed by question marks (??) means we are not sure of the year (1951, 1952, etc.) Unless a year is given it is assumed to be 1952

Select a Month

Birthday Statistics

Sep-50 1 Jan-51 1 Jan-52 13
Nov-50 1 Mar-51 1 Feb-52 12
Dec-50 1 Apr-51 2 Mar-52 17
Jun-51 1 Apr-52 14
Jul-51 1 May-52 12
Aug-51 1 Jun-52 7
Sep-51 1 Jul-52 14
Oct-51 5 Aug-52 10
Nov-51 7 Sep-52 9
Dec-51 9 Oct-52 8
Nov-52 5
Dec-52 0

1950 3 1.98%
1951 29 19.20%
1952 122 78.80%
Total 155